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How Many Outputs Can EasyWorship Handle?

Modified on: Fri, 13 May, 2022 at 3:55 PM

Currently, EasyWorship has 4 different outputs.

The first output is the Control screen that will show up on your computer screen that the operator sees and uses.

The second is the Front of House output that the congregation or audience will see.

The third is the Alternate Output which can be used for projecting to another monitor or for livestreaming via NDI Stream.

And the fourth is the Foldback output which is the confidence or stage monitor that the people on the stage will see.  

You can have multiple Front of House outputs or Foldback outputs by using a video splitter, but the primary 4 outputs will have to be connected to a separate output on the video card in the computer.

Check out our System Requirements for more information on what's needed to use all 4 outputs.

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